What's Next?

We participate in a variety of public meetings including the Board of Supervisors, Municipal Advisory Councils (6), Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council, Mental Health Advisory Board, Lake County COAD, Lake County Risk Reduction Authority, Lake County Disaster Council, Redbud Health Care District, and various Boards, Committees, and Commissions addressing multi-disciplinary, multi-jurisdictional needs in the county, the region, and the state.

We also support the Lake County Clean Water Program, which provides public education and outreach for restoration and protection of Clear Lake (and the Upper Cache Creek watershed), community-based systems of care for multi-generational families and individuals, and special events for everyone.  

DURING DISASTERS, KPFZ programmers suspend planned programming and open the phone lines to sources of local information and relief organizations responding to the immediate needs of affected areas in Lake and Mendocino Counties.

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